Standard Salesforce CPQ Health Check


Standard Health Check for your Salesforce CPQ implementation. The standard Health Check covers all key CPQ objects but does not include review of any customization artifacts.



SKU: SFCPQHCS Categories: ,


We use an objective methodology focusing on several key areas of your Salesforce CPQ solution in order to evaluate opportunities for improvement. We are not making any judgement call whether a particular design decision was valid or invalid when it was made. Instead, we highlight the objective effects of such design decisions.

The review includes careful evaluation of the following areas of Salesforce CPQ:

  • Package configuration
  • Custom fields on core CPQ transactional objects (Quote, Quote Line, Quote Line Group, Order, Order Product, Subscription, Asset, Contract), with an added focus on formula fields (up to 100 fields and 50 formula fields)
  • Overview of Opportunity and Opportunity Product object configurations related to CPQ
  • Price Rules (up to 30 rules)
  • Product Catalog structure and bundles (up to 10 bundles)
  • Product rules for key CPQ bundles (up to 10 rules)
  • Renewals and amendments (if applicable)
  • Contracting Process
  • Quote Templates (up to 2 templates)
  • Approvals

Deliverables consist in an extensive report with the following sections:

  • Executive summary
  • Color-coded health indicator for the overall solution, its design, and its implementation
  • Color-coded health indicator for each major functional area of Salesforce CPQ
  • Extensive, detailed findings, area by area, and corresponding recommendations, if applicable
  • Prioritized list of recommended next steps to address the findings

If your solution includes CPQ-related customizations (such as plugins, flows, process builder, triggers, Apex classes) and you want such customizations to be included in the Health Check, please contact us for an Advanced Salesforce CPQ Health Check.


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