The Community
The CPQ Mastery Community is a rich professional social network where users can exchange ideas about a variety of topics related to CPQ and Quote-to-Cash. It is the very first social network dedicated to this complex topic.
The Community caters to different audiences, from independent consultants to system integrators, to any company having implemented CPQ, and to software vendors. We can all benefit from each other, by sharing our experience, negative or positive, acquired through our respective CPQ journeys.

For All Members
- Use the web or your mobile device to keep always informed, no matter where you are
- Discuss trends in the CPQ ecosystem
- Ask any question to learn more about CPQ and QTC
- Discuss trends in the CPQ ecosystem

For Consulting Firms
- Use private groups to discuss topics with clients and colleagues
- Leverage the discussion forums to learn more or ask for help from the experts
- Message colleagues or customers
- Raise your team member's skill level by enrolling in online courses

For Corporations
- Learn from the community to get better at maintaining your own implementation or to take it to the next level
- Discuss, possibly in private groups, with other customers who have encountered similar problems to resolve
- Talk with experts in the industry and discuss trends in the CPQ world
- Find an independent contractor with the right skill set to help you with your implemented CPQ solution or join your team

For Contractors
- Develop and boost your career by exchanging with the best experts and by showcasing your skills
- Become a content creator, and write a blog article or build a course to share your knowledge and help others
- Find help from like-minded professionals
- Get exposure by helping others solve their issues
- Monitor job postings to find your next gig